Thursday, October 25, 2012

Random People Card

To generate cards of random people to give scale to a scene. 

So I need human sized characters in my scene to give it some scale, there are various ways to do this, but I thought it'd be fun to write a little script that generates card people in various poses, heights etc. Doing a quick search on silhouette on Google Image search turns up this image at Deposit Photos, original link HERE,

Image 1: Various Silhouettes

I did a quick edit of the image to make it a square. Not too concerned with the watermarks.

1. Create shader using image 1 as opacity map
2. Create a polyplane with a dimension of 1x2 meters
3. Map the polyplane UV randomly to a person in image 1

Mel Script
global proc randCardPeople() {
    string $card1[];
    string $shaderName;
    string $shadingGroup;
    string $fileName;
    if (!(`objExists cardPeople`)) {
        $shadingGroup = `sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name cardPeopleSG`;
        $shaderName = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -n cardPeople`;
        $fileName = `shadingNode -asTexture file`;

        connectAttr -f ($shaderName + ".outColor") ($shadingGroup + ".surfaceShader");
        connectAttr -f ($fileName + ".outColor") ($shaderName + ".incandescence");
        connectAttr -f ($fileName + ".outTransparency") ($shaderName + ".transparency");
        setAttr ($shaderName + ".color") -type double3 0 0 0 ;
        setAttr ($shaderName + ".diffuse") 0;    
        setAttr -type "string" ($fileName + ".fileTextureName") "/data/silhoutte.jpg";
        setAttr ($fileName + ".invert") 1;    
        setAttr ($fileName + ".alphaIsLuminance") 1;

    $card1 = `polyCreateFacet  -p 0 0 0 -p 1 0 0 -p 1 0 -2 -p 0 0 -2 -name card`;
    rotate -r -os 90 0 0 ;
    makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0;

    sets -e -forceElement cardPeopleSG;
    select -r ($card1[0] + ".map[0:3]") ;
    polyEditUV -pu 0.25 -pv 0.5 -su 0.15 -sv 0.15;
    polyEditUV -u -0.25 -v -0.5; //move to 0 0
    polyEditUV -u 0.0613368 -v 0.355; //move to first row

    int $chooseU = `rand 12`;
    int $chooseV = `rand 1 4`;    
    polyEditUV -u (0.0815*$chooseU) -v (0.192*$chooseV);
    select -cl;





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